Society of London Theatre Seeks To Support Future Industry Leaders With ‘Associate Membership’ Pilot Programme

Society of London Theatre have announced their plans to launch a new category of membership. The ‘Associate Membership’ will be designed to identify producers and future theatre industry leaders in London who would not be eligible for other categories of SOLT membership.

The aim of the new membership is to reflect a broader group of future theatre industry leaders in the early-mid-stages of their careers. SOLT are encouraging applications from groups who have historically been under-represented within their membership over the last 114 years, to ensure that the membership becomes more inclusive and representative of society in its broadest sense and reflects the people of London.

SOLT are looking to identify 6 individuals to become Associate Members for a period of 2 consecutive years. After the first cohort have completed their first 12 months, they will recruit a further 6 individuals. Associate Membership, which will be free of charge, is designed to support career progression for aspiring theatre leaders and to provide experience and access to best working practices. All Associate Producers will be offered a mentor from the wider SOLT membership.

Eleanor Lloyd, independent producer and President of SOLT, commented:

“I hope this pilot programme will give upcoming producers, venue operators and programmers who we hope will become future industry leaders, earlier access to the benefits of SOLT membership such as networking, training and advice.

“With particular focus on those who will diversify our industry, we hope this programme will allow Associate Members to build relationships, develop their knowledge and understanding of how the industry works, and be a stepping stone towards future full membership of SOLT, which will in turn strengthen the theatre community.”