Advocacy Resources

SOLT and UK Theatre have welcomed the new government and published a briefing for new MPs on the contribution the UK’s theatre sector makes and how we can collaborate to create the conditions for theatre to thrive. In collaboration with the cast of Starlight Express, we visited Downing Street, the Treasury and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport with our letter to the Prime Minister!

You can read our submission for the 2024 Autumn Budget here and our Key Issues Briefing here

To support our activity we developed the following resources for members:

  1. A guide on engaging with new MPs setting out the information to make the case for theatre.
  2. A Template Letter to send to MPs.
  3. An analysis of the three main party manifestos to help with engagement.
  4. A Pre-Election Briefing, that was aimed at local candidates, setting out our key asks. 
  5. Analysis of the King’s Speech.