Creative industries must be reflected in work of Skills England  

Reacting to the Prime Minister’s speech on the launch of Skills England, SOLT & UK Theatre Co-CEO Claire Walker said,   

“The new Government’s focus on skills is welcome and much needed. Theatre, like many other sectors, has significant skills challenges which are impacting growth. The cohesive approach offered by the new body, Skills England, has the potential to break down silos and to create a comprehensive skills system to allow the theatre sector to thrive and grow. However, it will only deliver that potential if our sector’s needs are reflected in both skills reform and the priorities of the new body. 

“Critically, it is vital that the Government and Skills England move at speed on improving apprenticeships and other technical qualifications to address skills gaps in our sector. Making apprenticeships more flexible would enable the creative industries to both build more robust talent pipelines and to improve and widen access to off-stage careers. 

“Finally, a coherent skills system requires education and skills policy to be linked up across Government, including with the curriculum review announced last week. Skills are a fundamental pillar to the Government’s forthcoming industrial strategy. Our vibrant and dynamic creative industries must be embedded in the heart of this strategy to ensure it delivers fully.”