Code of Conduct 2022 announced at ABTT Show

On 22 June 2022 at the ABTT Theatre Show, UK Theatre & BECTU launched the updated Code of Conduct (Get-ins, Fit-ups & Get-outs). The document has been an industry led effort, mainly by members of the SOLT & UK Theatre Technical Committee (SUTC) and receiving houses and touring Production Managers inputting ideas which have been included in the document. A new feature of the Code will be monitoring of incidents which will be reported to the union / management-led Theatre Safety Committee (TSC). This will add a further level of governance to reduce work related issues on the touring circuit.

The document also features a rare “Supporting Statement” from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). This is only given to projects that they believe will help reduce accidents & incidents and is a real stamp of approval for the Code and their confidence in our industry. The Code is also an appendix of the collective agreement between BECTU and UK Theatre and if adopted by venues and visiting productions, should make working in our industry safer & healthier.

The full Code of Conduct for members can be downloaded from this page.